We are all about connecting people….

We are a community deeply committed to connections…..connecting to Jesus, to each other, to health and wholeness, and to community.

We connect through meaningful gatherings such as our worship service at 11:00 am on Sundays or events throughout the year.

When you attend Compass Point you’ll also catch our deep commitment to caring for the world around us, including those who are in need or who are impacted by systems of injustice. You’ll notice it in the intentional way we drink fair-trade coffee in our coffee bar, or the way we stock our “Little Food Pantry” for families going through difficulty. You also might join us in our yearly “Set Free” Fun Run in September where we raise money to end Human Trafficking.

How ever you connect with us, whether through a gathering, a life group, or an event, you’ll know we want to love our neighbors in the same way Jesus taught us and we are intentional about responding to that call.


Our Vision: We connect people to Jesus and to one another.

Our denomination

The Free Methodist Denomination

We belong to a rich heritage tracing its lineage up through John Wesley to B. T. Roberts and the modern day. While we belong to the Church (big 'C'), our denomination shapes our DNA and gives us oversight, accountability, and resources.


Our denomination, Free Methodism, started out of a desire to see the slaves free in America and the poor to have a home in the church. The social climate at the time excluded people of little means from literally sitting in church because of a thing called "pew renting." Because of that, our movement was born to provide FREE seats for the underprivileged and FREEdom for the slaves. This shapes who we are today. We have a heart for the marginalized and disenfranchised. Though small, our church is on the frontline of the modern-day slavery movement. 

The Five Historical Freedoms of Free Methodists:

Freedom from slavery in any form

Free Pews

Freedom in worship

Free from secret societies

Freedom for women and men to serve equally alongside each other in bringing the Good News

Five Values of the Free Methodist Church

Christ-Compelled Multiplication

Life-Giving Holiness

Cross-Cultural Collaboration

Love-Driven Justice

God-Given Revelation


Being a part of a denomination connects us to a network of churches worldwide who share the same DNA and heart for ministry. We are encouraged and supported in our work and have people who are willing to make sure we are on the right path in with our physical and spiritual capital.


Learn more by visiting the denominational website HERE